Token Taxes

Buy Tax:

0% Buy Tax on any DEX or CEX (Decentralized or Centralized Exchanges)

10% Buy Tax in the XOX DEX V1 (the 10% is given back to the buyers in the form of XOXS which is the staking currency in the ecosystem so it is still a 0% Buy Tax since 1 XOXS = $1)

The USDT & USDC collected from buy tax in our dex is later given back to the holders as Stable Coin (XOXS) Staking Rewards and Referral Program Earnings.

Sell Tax:

5% Sell Tax on every DEX (Decentralized Exchange)

Why 10% Sell Tax?

These allocations help to ensure that the project is sustainable over the long term, by providing incentives for users to hold and stake the token, funding ongoing development, and promoting the project to attract new users.

Last updated