Get Additional Rewards For Providing Liquidity


As a token of appreciation for XOX Labs most passionate supporters, XOX DEV V1 enables liquidity providers in the following pools to earn additional XOX tokens:





By staking the LP tokens which were received as part of providing liquidity, liquidity providers in teh aforementioned farms will be accumulate further farming rewards in the form of XOX tokens.

For your convenience, the guide below walks a user through farming on the XOX DEX V1 interface. Users also have the option to view this guide as a video which is provided above.

Farming reward eligibility

You will first need to open a position in the shortlisted pools in order to be eligible for a share of the farming rewards. Please refer to Make Your Tokens Work For You for a walkthrough on how to achieve this.

Yield Farming on XOX DEX V1

Step 1: Access the farming page

Users can navigate to the farming page by entering the XOX dapp via the "Farming" option in the navigation bar on the XOX Home Page.

Step 2: Stake LP tokens into the farm

On the farming page, you can open the staking helper by clicking on the "Stake" button. Note that you will need to have an eligible position in order to stake in the farm. The farming UI will display the list of farms which you are eligible for.

In the staking helper, users can select the amount of LP tokens to stake into the farm. The token amounts can be manually inputed by entering a number or by using the percentage amount helpers which will automatically select a fixed proportion of the LP tokens available in the connected wallet.

Step 3: Confirm stake in farm

Once you've selected an amount to proceed with, select the "Confirm" button to continue. You will then be prompted to sign the transaction in the connected wallet.

You will receive a notification once the transaction has been executed by the network.

Step 4: View staked position

Your position is now staked into the farm and is actively earning farming rewards!

To view your newly staked positions, you can navigate to the farming page whereupon your staked position will be displayed. Note that you can view the value of your staked position as well as the amount of XOX tokens earned and the respective farming annual percentage returns (APR).

Last updated